Create Application Registration Manually (Optional)

This procedure describes how to manually add the Application registration to your M365 tenant on your Azure portal including:

Adding Client secret
Associating Microsoft Entra Roles to the application according to table described in Secure Connection using Application Registration
To create the new registration:
1. Login to the Azure portal ( with global Admin credentials for the M365 tenant.
2. Click View to the Microsoft Entra ID interface.

3. In the Navigation pane, select Manage > App registrations and then click New registration.

4. Enter the name of the application.
5. Select Accounts in this organizational directory only (Contoso only-Single tenant).

6. Click Register.

7. In the Overview page, Copy the Application (client) ID value.
8. In the Navigation pane, select Certificate & secrets.

9. Click New client secret to add a new client secret. Copy the value to clipboard as its required for later configuration in the Service portal.

Copy the value immediately to notepad as it hashed after a short time.

10. In the search box in the Menu bar, type Microsoft Entra Roles and administrators.

11. Search for the role that is required for the Application Registration creation process according to the table above.

12. Click the searched entry.
13. Add an assignment to the selected role for your Token Application Registration. In the example below, 'LivePlatformSyncApp'.
a. Click Add Assignment.

b. Click the No member selected link.

c. In the Select a member pane, search for your Token Application Registration, select it and then click Select.

d. Click Next.

14. Enter justification for the assignment, and then click Assign.

The new association is displayed.

15. Repeat the above steps for each required role.